

Best Friend:  Kim.
Choice of Meat:  Chicken.
Dream Date:  Somebody like you.
Exciting Adventure:  Filling gumball machines in a mall.
Favorite Food:  Phrik Pao Chicken from Thairish Restaurant.
Greatest Accomplishment:  My Beckettland sound design touring Europe, even though I didn't get to go.
Happiest Day of Your Life:  Last Tuesday.
Interests: Guitar, computer, change.
Joke: A guy with a huge orange head goes in to see a doctor. The doctor says, "How did you get such a huge orange head?" The guy says, "Well, one day I was walking down the beach when I tripped over an old lantern. A genie came out and said, 'I'll grant you three wishes, whatever you desire...what is your first wish?' I said, 'I'd like all the money I could ever spend.' The genie went Poof!', and there it was, all the money I could ever spend. Then he said, 'What is your second wish?' I said, 'I'd like a beautiful woman to love me, someone I could enjoy this money with.' The genie went Poof!', and there she was, a gorgeous girl who immediately loved me. Then the genie said, 'And what is your third wish?'...and I think this is where I went wrong...I said, 'I'd like a huge orange head.'" 
Kool-Aid:  Acid
Love:  Makes the swirl go down.

Most Valued Possession:  DSL.

Name:  Corky Neidermayer
Outfit You Love:  Plaid shorts, Ramones black T-shirt, boxer briefs.
Pizza Toppings:  Pepperoni, ground beef, no cheese.
Question Asked to You the Most:  Did you clean the bathroom yet?

Radio Station: WWLG The music of your life.
Sport:  Table games.
Television Show:  Late Night with Conan O'Brien.
Umbrella in the Rain?:  Once.
Vacation favorite?: Smith Mountain Lake, VA.
Winter:  Christmas Street in Hampden
X-Rays Recently?:  Not since 1990
Year Born:  1957
Zodiac Sign:  Libra